K9 Chicken and Carrot Tasty Treats
Keep your pet entertained and out of mischief with the K9 Chicken and Carrot tasty treats for the K9 collectable puzzles ! Stuff these treats inside the K9 connectable toys and let your dog follow their natural instinct to hunt and paw for their treats, by challenging them to work for their tasty reward hidden inside. The K9 Chicken and Carrot Tasty Treats are available in two different sizes, depending on whether you have the Mini or Medium/Large K9 Connectable toy.
These treats can be fed complementary along side a balanced diet as a delicious reward or snack. The K9 Tasty Treats are suitable for dogs from six months and older. The K9 Connectables Tasty Treats are formulated from natural ingredients with added nutrients for maintaining healthy oral health.
Designed by a team of dedicated dog owners in conjunction with Veterinary Professionals and Dog Behavior Experts. The Connectables crew are product designers on a mission to make the finest toys, treats and equipment for every dog.
- 100g - for the Mini K9 connectables
- 130g - for the Medium and Large K9 connectables